Coronavirus Resource Depot

Coronavirus Resource Depot

If you have any suggestions for organizations that need help, but aren’t in any of the links below, please mention them in a comment below. 

If you are someone or know someone who’s heavily impacted by the pandemic, we have you in our thoughts and hearts and hope that by sharing these resources they benefit you. We wish you well and hope you are able to lend a hand or donate in this critical time of need. 

Wake County Resources: 

Public Assistance and Nonprofits: 

Food & Beverage: 

Music Scene: 

  • Pour House:
    Donate to the Raleigh Music Venue Employee Fund via Venmo. 100% of the money collected from this fund will be equally distributed between the 48 behind the scenes employees at The Pour House, Kings, Lincoln, Slims and The Wicked Witch. Venmo a contribution to @Raleigh-Downtown-Music-Venues

Delivery Assistance: