Rider Inspiration: Sherri Henderson

How long have you been riding a bike?

Over 50 years!

Tell us something inspiring and/or unique about yourself that relates to cycling.

I am an older woman (qualify for senior entry at Costco!) who rides with women older and faster than myself. We love long rides on the roads and greenways in Wake and Durham Counties. My favorite ride is from downtown Raleigh to Durham in the morning (about 42 miles one way) then have lunch there (before COVID-19) and take Amtrak back to Raleigh. A fun ride with a destination and train ride back! Takes about 5 hours at our pace including lunch and train ride!

What is the biggest accomplishment you’ve made on a bike?

Biking the East Coast Greenway (ECG) with 40+ other likeminded bikers from all over the US. The ECG runs from Calais, ME to Key West, FL. My friend, Sue and I joined the team in Richmond, VA in 2015. Each year the ECG did a week-a-year tour of a section of the ECG from north to south along the US east coast and each year we looked forward to the reunion of the same people making the trek and spending time together. A lot of these folks have become good friends. Now that the tour has ended, we will truly miss laughing, riding and cavorting with good friends made over the past 5 years.

What’s the biggest challenge you faced with regards to cycling and how did you overcome it?

I have two – 1. How to get bikers to obey the rules of the road as motorists have to. This builds respect of motorists to cyclists. If we don’t respect stop lights, stop signs and other rules of the road, how can we expect motorists to respect us.

2. Motorists to be more aware of cyclists and be patient when we are in a tight space. Some motorists would rather blare their horns at you and almost hit you than go around, even when there is space.

I think there is a lot of room for both sides to improve tolerance for each other and the rules of the road.

Free form – tell us anything you’d like!

I love biking, the friendships that have grown with biking and being outside. My happy place is on my bike!